Monday, September 26, 2016

Green Infrastructure Stakeholder Session

The Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments has received a Green Infrastructure Grant to help communities in the Santee-Lynches region better assess, manage, protect, or restore their natural assets to create healthy ecosystems, communities, and economies. On September 14th, 2016, the Economic and Community Sustainability Department hosted a meeting to engage stakeholders and identify a plan for the process. Attendees collaborated and brainstormed different strategies and techniques to maintain and enhance the natural assets of the region. By bringing together individuals from different disciplines, participants were able to come up with a diverse array of ideas that could be used and implemented by cities, conservation organizations, local partners and individuals. These ideas are providing the basis for the objectives to be outlined in the final Green Infrastructure plan.

To learn more about Green Infrastructure or participate in future planning efforts, contact Kyle Kelly at 803-774-1377.