Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Staff Spotlight

Your name: Lewan Brunson

Tell us a little bit about your personal life. I am the middle child of two sisters. I was born and raised in Sumter, SC. In 2008 I decided to attend Winthrop University where I received my bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 2012. During my time there at Winthrop University I joined Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. and was a campus leader in various roles. I interned for a few campaigns and then decided that I wanted to work in non-profit instead. Shortly after figuring out that working with non-profits was my calling I decided to move back to Sumter, SC where I was lucky enough to intern and then be hired on with Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments.

When did you start working at the COG? July 16th 2014

What is your current position? Assessor for the Health and Human Services Department

Sum up your job in one sentence. I screen our senior citizen population for available services.

What is the project, program, activity, event that you are most proud of? The project I am most proud of is start up weekend. Just like we were able to help others due that weekend with their business idea, we were able to take an idea and make it real. I watched as our team helped put on a successful event despite the ups and downs. I think that’s what the experience even better because we weren’t sure if it was going to work out for us, but we kept persevering and I will always remember that.

What COG related project, program, activity, event are you most looking forward to? Expanding the assessment process and using the data that we collect with our assessment to team up with other departments at the COG. We have the ability to collect vital information that can predict where services are needed and if they are not current when they will be needed.