Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Santee-Lynches RCOG Attends Annual SCARC Conference

Board members attended the annual South Carolina Association of Regional Councils (SCARC) Conference in Myrtle Beach last week. This year's theme was "Celebrating the Past - Welcoming the Future" where presenters focused on 50 years of history for the ten Council of Governments (COG) within the state. Staff presented their COGs history on display during the conference for attendees to view.

Staff joined board members for their annual dinner at Rioz Brazilian Steakhouse. Dr. Mikota presented awards to board member legislators Senator Kevin Johnson, Rep. Laurie Funderburk, Rep. Grady Brown, and Rep. David Weeks for their support to the Council of Governments. Rep. Grady Brown was recognized for his many years of service in the House of Representatives and to the COG. Board member perfect attendance awards were also presented to Senator Kevin Johnson and Sammie Tucker.