Friday, January 20, 2017

City of Manning Comprehensive Planning

The COG is currently assisting the City of Manning as they write their new 10 year Comprehensive Plan. The Plan documents the current physical, social, and economic characteristics of a community and provides a vision and series of goals and objectives to guide community development in the future. Comprehensive Plans help facilitate and coordinate local decision-making, involve residents and stakeholders in the planning process, and inform landowners and developers about the community and its goals.
A critical component of developing an effective Comprehensive Plan is strong public engagement. The City needs feedback from residents about the current conditions in the community and about the aspirations residents have for Manning. The opinions offered by residents provide the basis for developing a vision for Manning and establishing a set of short-term and long-term objectives.
There are multiple ways for residents to get involved in this process. Throughout the month of January, a
survey is available online, at the Harvin Clarendon County Library, at City Hall, and at various restaurants and businesses throughout the city. You can find a list of participating businesses below or follow the link to the online survey on the City's website (, the Facebook page, "Tomorrow Together:Planning Manning for the Future"( or on the Santee-Lynches Council of Governments' website, ( Additionally, planning staff from the COG will be available at the library on Monday, January 23 from 4-8pm, Wednesday, January 25 from 9am-12pm, and Thursday, January 26 from 12pm-3pm to collect in-person feedback and answer any questions.
If you would like more information, please visit the Facebook link above or contact Santee-Lynches planner Susan Landfried via email at